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Living with the war in Afghanistan on the German “Heimatfront”A new view on a war that no one wants to continue, but that wont be over by 2014. A documentary by Nina Mair and Robert Jahn afghanistan, bundeswehr, war, documentary, asylum, allies, troops, ISAF, taliban, refugee, deportation, Trailer, United States, Military, heimatfront, Afghanistan, Bundeswehr, Flüchtlinge, Krieg, Film, Dokumentarfilm, Libellulafilm, Leipzig, Asyl, Abschiebung, Soldaten, 2014, Abzug, Flucht, Migration, Afghanistaneinsatz, Ostdeutschland, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Soldatenfamilien, Obama

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afghanistan, bundeswehr, war, documentary, asylum, allies, troops, ISAF, taliban, refugee, deportation, Trailer, United States, Military, heimatfront, Afghanistan, Bundeswehr, Flüchtlinge, Krieg, Film, Dokumentarfilm, Libellulafilm, Leipzig, Asyl, Abschiebung, Soldaten, 2014, Abzug, Flucht, Migration, Afghanistaneinsatz, Ostdeutschland, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Soldatenfamilien, Obama