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Living with the war in Afghanistan on the German “Heimatfront”A new view on a war that no one wants to continue, but that wont be over by 2014. A documentary by Nina Mair and Robert Jahn afghanistan, bundeswehr, war, documentary, asylum, allies, troops, ISAF, taliban, refugee, deportation, Trailer, United States, Military, heimatfront, Afghanistan, Bundeswehr, Flüchtlinge, Krieg, Film, Dokumentarfilm, Libellulafilm, Leipzig, Asyl, Abschiebung, Soldaten, 2014, Abzug, Flucht, Migration, Afghanistaneinsatz, Ostdeutschland, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Soldatenfamilien, Obama

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The film is set mainly in Leipzig. The large East German city is not only an important center of the planning of the Afghanistan mission and home to many soldiers.

Since February 2012 the 13 Mechanized Infantry Division stationed in Leipzig is the leading division for the German Afghanistan mission. By March 2013, a total of 7,000 troops from this division will go to Afghanistan. While East Germans only present 20 percent of the total German population, the "East-share" in the Bundeswehr missions abroad is at 50 percent.

In no other East German city - except Berlin - so many foreigners live and train in the street
The Eisenbahnstrasse in Leipzig is the only multi-cultural district of the East. More and more people from Afghanistan seek protection in Germany. 2011 7767 asylum applications were made. These are another 30% more than 2010. Afghans were thus again the largest group of asylum seekers. The route to Europe for most Afghans runs via Iran, Turkey and Greece to Germany. An increasing number of refugees are under 18 years and are without families on the go. Still, few Afghans are deported. This could change however in 2014 after an official "pacification" of Afghanistan.

Although a regional basees,
Deutschland is a good country is not a provincial film. It is a personal,
but at the same time universal view of life with the war on the






afghanistan, bundeswehr, war, documentary, asylum, allies, troops, ISAF, taliban, refugee, deportation, Trailer, United States, Military, heimatfront, Afghanistan, Bundeswehr, Flüchtlinge, Krieg, Film, Dokumentarfilm, Libellulafilm, Leipzig, Asyl, Abschiebung, Soldaten, 2014, Abzug, Flucht, Migration, Afghanistaneinsatz, Ostdeutschland, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Soldatenfamilien, Obama